Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is the sacrament that initiates an individual—adult, child, or infant—into the Christian faith, a member of the Body of Christ. St. Elizabeth’s does baptisms as part of our regular Sunday worship services, rather than as private ceremonies for family and friends. The baptism service, including the vows, may be found on page 299 of The Book of Common Prayer.

We hope you will share with us news of a birth in your family so that we can celebrate with you and yours!  Please share your happy news by contacting the Parish Office! We will look forward to connecting with you.


  • Parents who do not already attend St. E’s and wish to baptize their children here, are asked to attend church regularly, give financially to the parish, and participate in parish life for six months prior to the baptism. Baptizing a child infers a commitment from parents and a Christian community to raising the child in the faith. This is a commitment based upon relationship.

  • All parents seeking baptism for their children are required to attend a preparatory meeting with the rector (generally two sessions).

  • Adults contemplating or seeking Baptism at St. Elizabeth’s are asked to attend the Inquirer’s Class (or equivalent meetings with the rector).

  • Baptisms are generally done on All Saints Sunday, The Great Vigil of Easter, Easter Sunday, Good Shepherd Sunday, or any other Sunday approved by the rector in conjunction with the candaidate for baptism (or their parents).

Please let us know if you would like to be baptized or to have a member of your family baptized.

These are always joyous occasions!