Contact Us


The Rev. Andrew Suitter-Bentley, Rector -
Joanne Byford, Parish Administrator -
Maria Rodriguez, Nursery -
Paul Lamoreaux, Sexton -

Andrus Madsen, Associate for Music -

Ask the Wardens

Your ideas, questions, and feedback are invited. Let us know what's on your mind. You can send an email to the Saint Elizabeths Wardens and it will be routed to our co-wardens, Susan Dewey and Georgie Johnson. From there is may be as simple as referring it to the appropriate committee chair, becoming an action item at a Vestry meeting or simply putting it into action!

Newcomer? Interested in learning more about St. Elizabeth's?

You can fill out the Newcomers form, email the office, or call for more information about St. Elizabeth's.

Forms Bin

Fill out and submit a form using our online forms bin.

Website feedback

Web site feedback? You can send an email to


St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church
1 Morse Road
Sudbury, MA 01776-1746


(978) 443-6035

(978) 443-6041

Map & Directions

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Contact St. Elizabeth’s
